Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How did the roll of religion affect ancient Egypt Research Paper

How did the roll of religion affect ancient Egypt - Research Paper Example Religion in Egypt was a central part of the daily routine and believed to be the reason for existence. The Egyptian gods had the most important role to play in the society. The gods were believed to be in control of all natural and human aspects of the society. For example, the god Ra was associated with the sun while Anubis was responsible for resurrection. The purpose of the lives of the ancient Egyptians was to keep their gods pleased. If a farmer needed rain for his crops to grow well that season, he will pray to the gods and offer favors in exchange of his wish; so will a boy longing to have a camel or a woman wanting to get married. Thus, every need of the Egyptians was linked with the gods. Magical acts were also used to interact with gods (Brewer and Teeter 132). This helped in bringing unity within the ancient Egyptian society as every individual turned towards the same source to plead. The Egyptian religion taught the people the lesson of good and bad. Every child born in an Egyptian household was made to believe that if s/he does not pray or offer the rituals, the gods will be displeased with him/her and punish him/her (Allen 79). Likewise, if s/he would perform good deeds and prayed regularly, s/he would be rewarded with a perfect life and all his/her wishes would be fulfilled. This helped develop a strong conscience within the Egyptians and prevented them from committing acts that were ethically, morally and religiously wrong. The fear of gods also made them loyal to the pharaoh and brought law and order to the country because the word of the pharaoh was considered to be the word of gods (Allen 80). Thus, the chances of rebellions against the authority of the pharaoh were also minimal and the pharaoh had a strong hold over is empire and the people living in it. ‘Ma’at’ was another important concept of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of Ethical Behavior in Social Work

Importance of Ethical Behavior in Social Work Veronica Anderson Shalondria Wade Hill I. Ethics and Social Work For professions rooted in health and human services,  ethics are a vital part and have the most importance. The social work profession is the epitome of both integrity and ethics. Although the majority of social workers display ideal ethics and the nature of the career tends to attract the most compassionate and principled individuals, there is a small minority that engage in behavior that is considered to be unethical. The NASW (National Association of Social Workers) Code of Ethics emphasizes that the core of any type of social work revolves around professional ethics. The mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of six core values. It is somewhat of a map that guides each social worker’s journey and is important to all social workers regardless of working conditions. These core values serve as the root for all social workers and if followed properly will ensure that each and every social worker remain highly ethical in any situation that they may face. The se core values are: (1) Service, (2) Social Justice, (3) Dignity and worth of the person, (4) Importance of Human relationships, (5) Integrity, and (6) Competence (National Association of Social Workers, 2013). Unethical behavior for a social worker is any deviation or violation from the six core values and the several principles and standards set forth by the NASW. The reason social workers misconduct is so important is because misconduct and neglect of duty by a social worker could have harmful consequences. Misconduct by a social worker can result in serious injury, lost financial support, child endangerment, and in some cases death (Hyslop, 2015). With such fatal consequences, it is urgent that the social work profession understand why some of their workers engage in such ethical misbehavior. According to Dr. Frederic G. Reamer, there are several prominent themes when it comes to social work misconduct: (1) Desperation, (2) Greed, (3) Impairment, (4) mental illness, (5) addiction (including addiction to substances, sex, and gambling), and professional burnout (Reamer, 2012). II. Competence One of the critical core values set forth by the NASW is competence. Competence is the ability to perform one’s duties both successfully and efficiently. This is critical for social workers. Social workers tend to work long hours and have a number of cases, so it is important that they can work efficiently but also keep the same standards to ensure that the job is done successfully as well. The ethical principle states how â€Å"Social workers must practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise† (National Association of Social Workers, 2013). For social workers it is proper to utilize their education, personal values, experience, training, and any other professional related experiences in order to properly address any situation. Although it may be overlooked at times, being competent is a crucial factor in many cases of unethical behavior. With many of these situations, competence is the first core values that many unethical social workers neglect. Having a competent social worker is the necessary first key to resolving any situation and when it is lacking, terrible consequences could be the result. The NASW believes that social workers should continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills in order to apply them successfully in practice. In order to remain competent social workers must work every day to not only maintain their level of competence but to also build upon it as well. III. Case An example of unethical behavior in social work can be seen in the case of Candice Lassiter and Craig Smith in North Carolina. These two social workers were each charged with three counts obstruction of justice in relation to the death of a 15 month year old little girl. According to Mitch Weiss of the Huffington Post, the social workers were aware of the child abuse going on in the home, yet after the death of the child Lassiter, who was in charge, ordered Smith, a subordinate, to falsify records to make it appear like they did an fair and competent job in investigating the case (Weiss, 2013). There were several violations of social work ethics in this case which include: (1) lying, (2) incompetence, (3) service, (4) social justice, and (5) the unethical conduct of colleagues. Gregory Achen notes how child abuse can be hard to substantiate and requires comprehensive, time-consuming assessments from social workers (Achen, 2013). If the two social workers in the previous case used the code of ethics this child’s life could have been spared. According to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), child abuse and neglect is defined as: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm (U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services, 2012). In the United States 9.3% of children were victims of abuse and/or neglect in 2009. With approximately 9% of children in this country neglected and/or abused, there needs to be a voice for the children, and that voice needs to be in skilled, ethical social workers. To explain this problem in a social work setting, I propose this hypothetical situation. A social worker coming straight out of a Master’s program has just been hired by the Mississippi Department of Health and Human Services (MDHS) as a child protection services specialist. This social worker’s superior has been an excellent mentor so far and has provided necessary skills and knowledge on the subject matter and how to deal with a variety of situations. Over the past year, the young social worker has been to various functions with the supervisor and now considers them to be not only colleagues but close friends. At MDHS, social workers are informed of suspected cases through the hotline and once the case gets assigned they have 3 levels. Level 1 is called the screen out; it is centered on neglect more than actual abuse. Level 2 is still neglect and abuse but more severe than level 1 and the social worker has up to 72 hours to make a home visit. Level 3 is the most severe level. Here are the cases of extreme physical abuse and sexual abuse and the social worker has up to 24 hours to make a home visit. (MDHS). Now unfamiliar to the young social worker, her supervisor has already had a level 2 call about child abuse in a pretty bad neighborhood. The supervisor has neglected numerous home visits and eventually the hotline receives a level 3 call about this same child. The supervisor still remains to follow through, and two weeks later, the same child is found dead at the home. Upon hearing of the death, the supervisor is trying to cover their tracks and so they reach out to the young social worker. The supervisor should have handed the case to a CPS worker and oversee all of the home care visits, but did none of it. So they come to the young social worker to falsify official documents. He wants the young social worker to fill out reports showing that home visits were made and that everything seemed to be in order when they visited on the number of calls previously received. The supervisor would then sign off on all of the paperwork and even states how he himself went out to the home with the young social worker on one of the visits to ensure that everything was ok. In this hypothetical situation the police never find out about the unethical misconduct of the social workers and they continue their friendship, however due to this incident more and more cases could possibly turn out the same way and one child’s life was lost. In this scenario, there has been a variety of social work unethical behavior demonstrated. Obviously lying to cover up another colleague’s neglect is the most obvious. The core values not used were reasonable for all six. The core value of service was not administered at all here. A social worker’s primary goal is to help people in need, and in this case a child needed them and nothing was done. There was no social justice performed by these social workers because social workers are supposed to help get justice for weak and vulnerable individuals, and in this case this was not accomplished. They did not acknowledge the dignity and worth of this child, possibly because of the unsafe environment with which they were being raised. The importance of human relationships extends beyond clients at times. Although it is the target to obtain a good relationship with colleagues, it is not worth it if the clients, social workers are supposed to help, suffer as a result of it. Lastly there was no integrity or competence shown here with the falsifying of documents to cover the tracks of a superior. IV. Personal Reflection Social workers practicing in the child welfare field often face the need to make critical decisions while working in stressful work environments that can include high caseloads and limited supervision, training, and support (National Association of Social Workers, 2013). As an undergraduate social work student here at Jackson State University, the NASW Code of Ethics has played a crucial role in not only how I view social work issues but also how I look at issues in my everyday life. The role of social workers when it comes to abuse varies, but it centers on the safety and well-being of potential victims. This is one major reason why I feel that it is important to have a code of ethics and set of guiding principles that anyone can fall back on when confronted with morally unclear issues such as the prior hypothetical situation. In my opinion, both the supervisor and the young social worker were more than wrong in the above scenario. First off the supervisor was neglectful in his duties initially. Any level two calls about child abuse are extremely upsetting and his duty was to call attention to it and respond appropriately. To compound his neglect, upon the death of the child he immediately began lying to his superiors, to the young social worker, and to himself. Lying about visiting the home and lying about the entire situation was not the way to go. To top it all off, due to his negligence he brought in the young social worker to lie on his behalf. He used the friendship he achieved with a coworker to justify and cover up his mistakes. The young social worker is also at fault because she should have had more integrity to not get involved in the cover up and report the negligence of her supervisor to the proper authorities. All she did, by covering up his mistake, was leave the door open for it to happen a gain and that could cost more children harm and possibly cause another life to end as well. One of the best things about the NASW code of ethics, in my mind, is the fact that they all work with each other. Without having one core value it lessen any of the other five. That is why I feel that competence is one of the most important ones. If a social worker is not competent it makes it almost impossible to display and of the other five core values. That is why in this case I feel that the core value most in need was competence. I feel that this falls hand in hand with my personal values. My aim is to become an exceptional social worker and the way to ensure this I must remain competent with everything I do. The supervisor lacked competence by not only neglecting his duties but by involving a subordinate in the affairs as well to cover his tracks. The young social worker lacked competence, by not knowing the situation that the supervisor put her in by asking for her to falsify documents. If I was ever in any situation that could possibly contradict with my personal values or the social work six core values, it would be hard to say one hundred percent what I would do, but I am more than confident that with the importance of my values and the NASW code of ethics that a solution will be reached that does not jeopardize my integrity, the integrity of my career, and my past, current, or potential clients. As a social worker we must rely on our values and the NASW core values to help us in any situation. If any situation contradicts with either of the two then we must take appropriate action. Not only would I have denied the request the supervisor gave to falsify documents, I would also reported it to either his superior or to the authorities. Social workers are similar to a variety of professions, especially when it comes to the fact that lives could potentially be in our hands. There is no way that someone could die because of my negligence, and instead of owning up to a mistake and serving the potential punishment, I would just cover it up. I would not be able to sleep at night as a result. Social workers are the first line of defense when it comes to abuse victims and with this comes the great responsibility of protecting the innocence of the nation’s children, ensuring that they at least have a chance to rise above the situation and go on to live productive lives. Bibliography Achen, Gregory. (2013). The Importance of Ethic in Social Work. San Diego State University  School of Social Work. Retrieved From: Hyslop, J. (2015). Mastering Social Work Values and Ethics by Farrukh Akhtar, Foreword by  Professor Hilary Tompsett, Part of the Mastering Social Work Skills series, Jessica  Kingsley Publishers, London and Philadelphia, 2012. 168 pp. ISBN 978à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 84905à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 274à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 0 (Pbk), £ 17.99. Child Abuse Review. National Association of Social Workers. (2013). NASW Standards for Social Work Practice in  Child Welfare. Retrieved from: Reamer, Frederic G. (2012). Eye on Ethics: The Dark Side of Social Work: Ethical Misconduct.  Social Work Today. Retrieved From: United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). 2012 Child Maltreatment  Annual report. Retrieved from:   Weiss, M. (2013). Candice Lassiter and Craig Smith, social workers, charged in Aubrey  KinaMarie Littlejohn’s death. Huffington Post. Retrieved from Mississippi Department of Human Services:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay on Narcissism and Metadrama in Richard II -- Richard II Richard

Narcissism and Metadrama in Richard II  Ã‚  Ã‚      Over the last thirty years, Shakespeare criticism has demonstrated a growing awareness of the self-reflexive or metadramatic elements in his works. Lionel Abel’s 1963 study, Metatheatre: A New View of Dramatic Form, provided perhaps the first significant analysis of the ways in which Shakespeare thematizes theatricality, in the broadest sense of the term, in his tragedies, comedies, and histories. In his discussion of Hamlet, he makes the observation—perhaps a bit commonplace and obvious to us thirty years later—that the famous â€Å"play within a play† is only the most blatant example of self-conscious technique found throughout the tragedy: once we begin to look closely, we notice that nearly â€Å"every important character acts at some moment like a playwright, employing a playwright’s consciousness of drama to impose a certain posture or attitude on another† (46). Elsewhere in his book, Abel argues implicitly that Shakespeare, though he often used metadramatic techniques more in the interest of developing character than creating â€Å"an event,† the way later playwrights do, nevertheless composed plays which â€Å"are theatre pieces about life seen as already theatricalized† (60). In making such statements, Abel laid the groundwork for a number of subsequent studies, from Thomas F. Van Laan’s Role-Playing in Shakespeare, which appeared in 1978, to Judd D. Hubert’s more recent Metatheatre: The Example of Shakespeare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critics following Abel’s lead have been especially interested in Shakespeare’s second tetralogy. James L. Calderwood, for instance, reads the Henriad as Shakespeare’s reflection not only on a period of British history during which political authority, political â€Å"truth,... ...l. Metatheatre. New York: Hill and Wang, 1963. Calderwood, James L. Metadrama in Shakespeare’s Henriad. Berkeley: U of California P, 1979. Dean, Leonard F. â€Å"Richard II: The State and the Image of the Theatre.† PMLA 67 (1952): 211-18. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. Glasser, Marvin. â€Å"The Poet and the Royal Persona: Lyrical Structures in Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy.† Modern Language Quarterly 50 (1989): 125-44. Hubert, Judd D. Metatheatre: The Example of Shakespeare. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1991. Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton, 1977. Shakespeare, William. Richard II. Shakespeare: The Complete Works. Ed. G. B. Harrison. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1948. 430-67. Van Laan, Thomas F. Role-Playing in Shakespeare. Buffalo: U of Toronto P, 1978.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Career Building Competencies Essay

After completing my career interests’ profiler and competencies assessments, it helped me gain a better understanding of my competencies and how I apply them to a business setting. With the career interests’ profiler, it pretty much already told me what I already knew but more of a deeper understanding. What I do appreciate after taking completing the career interests’ profiler is providing me with a list of the different careers that would be best suited for me. By completing the competencies assessment, it has helped me analyze my results such as, adapting to change, delivering results or innovating and how I can apply them to critical thinking. By understanding my personal competencies, what I can do to improve my skills can be using my results to help look outside the box. One result I found very intriguing was innovating. â€Å"To innovate† means to show something as if it was the first time or to alter something and I found that intriguing as one of my results. Applying innovation to critical thinking would mean to think outside the box, change my perception on how I see the problem so that the solution may present itself. Another way in applying my results can be in how I evaluate arguments. For example, adapting to change or coping with pressure are great competencies in which can help me evaluating arguments. With adapting to change, it can help me view the argument from a different point of view. It can open my eyes in seeing other possible solutions and coming to an agreement. Also with coping with pressure, it can help me by keeping me calm when in an argumentative position. Not only can it keep me calm but by staying calm, it can help me stay confident in what is argued. After taking this assessment, it has helped me understand my competencies when being applied to critical thinking and evaluating argument.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Flight of the Kittyhawk Essay

The case showed that HP valued technical innovation as a key to the business’ success. From the beginning, HP had employed a management by objective (MBO) process that motivated its people to focus on the potential paths of innovation and strategy to achieve its goals. Hence, when the idea for the Kittyhawk project came up, Spenner received the support of Hackborn , and Rey Smelek , the same people who promoted Spenner to General Manager of the Disk Memory Division (DMD) and supported Spenner’s â€Å"concept-driven thinking. The project also received executive support from the top ranks of HP despite the hesitation of some of the R&D section managers in view of the unclear market of the proposed new product. HP seems to have done everything right. They had set up an autonomous project team, and gave the project heavy senior management support. It was then easy for Spenner to create the team for the development of the project. The Kittyhawk team was not governed by the division’s traditional development processes and was given autonomy to develop the drive, find new markets and cultivate its customer base. Seymour and White, both with reputations for â€Å"quick-thinking and action,† led the R;D and marketing divisions, respectively. The Kittyhawk managers carefully selected their staff of exceptional employees from within HP, composed of risk-takers that would be more excited by the market potential of a 1. 3-inch drive than by its technological capabilities. HP has never been a pioneer in the disk-drive business, and Kittyhawk was considered a pioneering effort by the company. HP concentrated its efforts on the most productive stages of the NPD process. The core team for the development of the 1. -inch drive came from within the company. The whole process of development was done within the company but the project team outsourced the manufacture of the drive to an external supplier with proven expertise in miniaturized manufacturing — Japan’s Citizen Watch Corporation — which designed and built an automated production line for Kittyhawk. Initial market rese arch was undertaken by Seymour and White but to give Spenner reassurance, the team contracted a highly reputable research firm that specialized in high tech markets to independently gauge the magnitude of Kittyhawk’s opportunity. However, as no clear market was evident yet, the research firm ended up deriving their conclusions from the Kittyhawk team. As a result, the results of the independent study only mirrored the thoughts of the team. This may have contributed to the error in the target market of the Kittyhawk. HP provided adequate resources and focused R;D funding to the project team which were critical to the success of its NPD process. Eventually, the Kittyhawk project failed to meet its goals but HP still acknowledged its value.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Research Paper

INTRODUCTION Self-control programs, in which one is taught to control one’s own behavior by devising antecedent and consequent events, have been gaining in popularity for quite some time now. A central aspect of these programs is self-reinforcement, in which a subject self-administers reinforcers dependent upon requisite performance. Self-reinforcement techniques have been shown to alter therapeutically a wide variety of behaviors, including studying, eating, depression and smoking, in both educational and clinical settings (Nelson, Hayes, Spong, Jarrett if the consequences are postponed, intermediate cues may be mislabeled as self-reinforcement. In a study conducted by Nelson, Hayes, Spong, Jarrett and McKnight (19... Free Essays on Research Paper Free Essays on Research Paper Omar Khayyam Born: 18 May 1048 in Nishapur, Persia (now Iran) Died: 4 Dec 1131 in Nishapur, Persia (now Iran) Click the picture above to see four larger pictures Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index Omar Khayyam's full name was Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami. A literal translation of the name al-Khayyami (or al-Khayyam) means 'tent maker' and this may have been the trade of Ibrahim his father. Khayyam played on the meaning of his own name when he wrote:- Khayyam, who stitched the tents of science, Has fallen in grief's furnace and been suddenly burned, The shears of Fate have cut the tent ropes of his life, And the broker of Hope has sold him for nothing! The political events of the 11th century played a major role in the course of Khayyam's life. The Seljuq Turks were tribes that invaded southwestern Asia in the 11th century and eventually founded an empire that included Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and most of Iran. The Seljuq occupied the grazing grounds of Khorasan and then, between 1038 and 1040, they conquered all of north-eastern Iran. The Seljuq ruler Toghrà ¯l Beg proclaimed himself sultan at Nishapur in 1038 and entered Baghdad in 1055. It was in this difficult unstable military empire, which also had religious problems as it attempted to establish an orthodox Muslim state, that Khayyam grew up. Khayyam studied philosophy at Naishapur and one of his fellow students wrote that he was:- ... endowed with sharpness of wit and the highest natural powers ... However, this was not an empire in which those of learning, even those as learned as Khayyam, found life easy unless they had the support of a ruler at one of the many courts. ... Free Essays on Research Paper INTRODUCTION Self-control programs, in which one is taught to control one’s own behavior by devising antecedent and consequent events, have been gaining in popularity for quite some time now. A central aspect of these programs is self-reinforcement, in which a subject self-administers reinforcers dependent upon requisite performance. Self-reinforcement techniques have been shown to alter therapeutically a wide variety of behaviors, including studying, eating, depression and smoking, in both educational and clinical settings (Nelson, Hayes, Spong, Jarrett if the consequences are postponed, intermediate cues may be mislabeled as self-reinforcement. In a study conducted by Nelson, Hayes, Spong, Jarrett and McKnight (19...

Monday, October 21, 2019

school violence essays

school violence essays Violence in schools is a very prevalent issue in todays society. School violence is on the rise. To solve this growing problem we need to fist address what is the root cause of this violent behavior. Many people blame this increase on movies, video games, and music. While this might have an affect the situation the real problem here is stress from teachers parents and to a lesser degree friends. Kids today cope with much more stress than they did fifty years ago and this stress can stem many times from pressure to get into a good college, do well in extracurricular activities, and to be popular. Parents stress their kids into getting ridiculously high grades under the premise of getting into a good college however grade school and middle school grades have nothing to do with college. Parents and teachers sometimes make people feel like if you do not get a 3.5 or better he will be a failure for the rest of his life. In fact Albert Einstein was failing most of his grade school career. As if that pressure was not enough parents want there kids to do nonstop activities from the minute they get out of school. This prevents youngsters from getting time to relive the heavy stress he got from school. Adolescents get an enormous amount of pressure from their peers to be popular. It is that stress that often pushes young adults who commit school violence over the edge. It was that stress that caused the teens at columbine high school to finally lash out. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on there horrible murder spree at columbine high many blamed it on Marilyn Manson or violent video games the real reason is stress from their peers. There school mates continually made fun of them everyday and after so much they just snapped. When a kid acts violently toward another kid it is assumed that the media or drugs had something to do with it but usually it stems from the overwhelming burden of peer pressure ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 1932 March of the Veterans Bonus Army

The 1932 March of the Veterans Bonus Army The Bonus Army was the name applied a group over 17,000 U.S. World War I veterans who marched on Washington, D.C. during the summer of 1932 demanding immediate cash payment of the service bonuses promised to them by Congress eight years earlier. Dubbed the â€Å"Bonus Army† and â€Å"Bonus Marchers† by the press, the group officially called itself the â€Å"Bonus Expeditionary Force† to mimic the name of World War Is American Expeditionary Forces. Fast Facts: March of the Veterans Bonus Army Short Description: 17,000 World War I veterans occupy Washington, D.C., and march on the U.S. Capitol to demand payment of promised military service bonuses.Key Participants:- President of the United States Herbert Hoover- U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur- U.S. Army Major George S. Patton- U.S. Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley- District of Columbia Police Department- At least 17,000 U.S, WWI veterans and 45,000 supporting protestersLocation: In and around Washington, D.C., and the United States Capitol groundsStart Date: May 1932End Date: July 29, 1932Other Significant Dates:- June 17, 1932: U.S. Senate defeated a bill that would have advanced the date of payment of bonuses to the veterans. Two veterans and two D.C. police officers die in the ensuing protest.- July 29, 1932:   On the order of President Hoover, through Sec. of War Hurley, U.S. Army troops commanded by Maj. George S. Patton attack the veterans forcing them from their encampments and effectively ending the crisis . A total of 55 veterans were injured and another 135 were arrested.Fallout:- President Hoover was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 presidential election.- Roosevelt immediately reserved jobs for 25,000 WWI veterans in his New Deal program.- In January 1936, WWI veterans were paid over $2 billion in promised combat bonuses. Why the Bonus Army Marched Most of the veterans who marched on the Capitol in 1932 had been out of work since the Great Depression began in 1929. They needed money, and the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 had promised to give them some, but not until 1945 a full 27 years after the end of the war they had fought in. The World War Adjusted Compensation Act, passed by Congress as sort of a 20-year insurance policy, awarded all qualified veterans a redeemable â€Å"Adjusted Service Certificate† worth an amount equal to 125% of his wartime service credit. Each veteran was to be paid $1.25 for each day they had served overseas and $1.00 for each day they served in the United States during the war. The catch was that the veterans were not allowed to redeem the certificates until their individual birthdays in 1945. On May 15, 1924, President Calvin Coolidge had, in fact, vetoed the bill providing for the bonuses stating, â€Å"Patriotism, bought and paid for, is not patriotism.† Congress, however, overrode his veto a few days later. While the veterans might have been happy to wait for their bonuses when the Adjusted Compensation Act passed in 1924, the Great Depression came along five years later and by 1932 they had immediate needs for the money, like feeding themselves and their families. The Bonus Army Veterans Occupy D.C. The Bonus March actually began in May 1932 as some 15,000 veterans assembled in makeshift camps scattered around Washington, D.C. where they planned to demand and wait for the immediate payment of their bonuses.   The first and largest of the veterans’ camps, dubbed â€Å"Hooverville,† in as a backhanded tribute to President Herbert Hoover, was located on Anacostia Flats, a swampy bog directly across the Anacostia River from the Capitol Building and the White House. Hooverville housed about 10,000 veterans and their families in ramshackle shelters built from old lumber, packing boxes, and scrapped tin  from a nearby junk pile. Including the veterans, their families, and other supporters, the crowd of protesters eventually grew to nearly 45,000 people. Veterans, along with the assistance of the D.C. Police, maintained order in the camps, built military-style sanitation facilities, and held orderly daily protest parades. The D.C. Police Attack the Veterans On June 15, 1932, the US House of Representatives passed the Wright Patman Bonus Bill to move up the payment date of the veterans’ bonuses. However, the Senate defeated the bill on June 17. In protest to the Senate’s action, the Bonus Army veterans marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol Building. The D.C. police reacted violently, resulting in the deaths of two veterans and two police officers. The U.S. Army Attacks the Veterans On the morning of July 28, 1932, President Hoover, in his capacity as Commander in Chief of the military, ordered his Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley to clear the Bonus Army camps and disperse the protesters. At 4:45 p.m., U.S. Army infantry and cavalry regiments under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, supported by six M1917 light tanks commanded by Maj. George S. Patton, assembled on Pennsylvania Avenue to carry out President Hoover’s orders.   With sabers, fixed bayonets, tear gas, and a mounted machine gun, the infantry and the cavalry charged the veterans, forcibly evicting them and their families from the smaller camps on the Capitol Building side of the Anacostia River. When the veterans retreated back across the river to the Hooverville camp, President Hoover ordered the troops to stand down until the next day. MacArthur, however, claiming the Bonus Marchers were attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, ignored Hoover’s order and immediately launched a second charge. By the end of the day, 55 veterans had been injured and 135 arrested. The Aftermath of the Bonus Army Protest In the 1932 presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Hoover by a landslide vote. While Hoover’s militaristic treatment of the Bonus Army veterans may have contributed to his defeat, Roosevelt had also opposed the veterans’ demands during the 1932 campaign. However, when the veterans held a similar protest in May 1933, he provided them with meals and a secure campsite. To address the veterans’ need for jobs, Roosevelt issued an executive order allowing 25,000 veterans to work in the New Deal program’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) without meeting the CCC’s age and marital status requirements. On January 22, 1936, both houses of Congress passed the Adjusted Compensation Payment Act in 1936, appropriating $2 billion for the immediate payment of all World War I veterans’ bonuses. On January 27, President Roosevelt vetoed the bill, but Congress immediately voted to override the veto. Almost four years after they had been driven from Washington by Gen. MacArthur, the Bonus Army veterans finally prevailed. Ultimately, the events of the Bonus Army veterans’ march on Washington contributed to the enactment in 1944 of the GI Bill, which has since assisted thousands of veterans make the often difficult transition to civilian life and in some small way pay back the debt owed to those who risk their lives for their country.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Emergency Managment Response Planning to a Portable Nuclear Device in Research Paper - 1

Emergency Managment Response Planning to a Portable Nuclear Device in a Major Hospital - Research Paper Example 230; The Manhattan Engineer District, 2004); recent studies and researches have identified patterns of tumor or development, and other health conditions, among atomic bomb survivors and their offsprings (Mabuchi, et al., 1994; Preston, et al., 2004; Pierce & Preston, 2000). With this knowledge, the threat of nuclear incidences has increased with the rise of technology, and in the advent of terrorism with the purpose of causing mass destruction. This paper will discuss the impact of nuclear-related incidences to the healthcare sector to identify what factors are needed to be considered in the management planning of health care institutions as they respond to these emergent situations, especially immediately (e.g., first 6 to 24 hours) after the blast. The effects of nuclear incidences to health, and the relative roles of the authorities (e.g., government, and private sectors) to control these and provide efficient health interventions will be tackled. Likewise, a discussion about suitcase nukes, what it is, how it came to be, and the truth behind its existence, will also be given particular attention. All kinds of bombs have the same negative effect, only in different intensities. They cause damage to the environment, structures, and the health of those who are exposed to the blast, its debris, and everything that was designed to come with it (e.g., chemicals, viruses, radiation, etc.). However, nuclear bombs have destructive effects a hundred or thousand times dangerous than the other bombs or explosive materials that cause concerns to authorities. Nevertheless, nuclear-related incidences are not only brought about by bombing; nuclear accidents such as the Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl Disasters, two of the worst nuclear-related accidents in history, as well as the exposure of some to nuclear radiation due to work, or living conditions, are also identified causes of nuclear radiation and blast exposure

Friday, October 18, 2019

Micro-organisms and Diesease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Micro-organisms and Diesease - Essay Example They are colonial or unicellular. Role- cause disease to organisms. There are also useful plants pathogens that play various roles such as restricting plant distribution, regulating population, increasing/reducing diversity and creating canopy gaps. Direct contact- organisms are transmitted from one individual to another (For instance, when there is the physical contact of closed or open body or through a skin opening, sexual contact and through directly breathing in pathogens from an infected individual). Indirect contact- organism transfers from an object to the other, either an intermediate host or a vector. For instance, the organism can be transferred through contaminated substances like air, soils, feces, equipment and clothing. Penetration areas- skin, sebaceous glands or hair follicles to cause boils and sties or teat canals and lead to staphylococcal mastitis, arthropod bites, conjunctiva, through respiratory tract’s mechanism, microorganisms or urinogenital tract. First, there is the existence of the pathogenic or infectious agents such as fungus, virus, bacterium, protozoa or prion. Microorganisms exit from the reservoir through the skin, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract and blood and across the placenta and take a mode of transmission to the next host. The transmission occurs either indirectly or directly. Infection definition- a process by which bacteria, fungi or other organism enter a host and attach to a cell and multiply. To do this, the organisms should overcome or evade the body’s natural defense at every step; though mostly the infected individual does not get sick. Often not all infections cause illness. Treatment- tests for the diagnosis including Chest X-ray, Mantoux skin test, QuantiFERON-TB Gold test and sputum testing and treatment should be done outside the hospital and takes long because the disease organism grows and die

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS - Assignment Example Some of the criteria for evaluating foreign investment proposal include: conformity of the document package with the requirements provided, conformity of the investment project and the priorities of the host country, ability to contribute to positive effect on the economy, conformity of the project to internationally accepted definition of investment project, and the quality of investment project. The types of free zone include the Free Trade Zone, the Free Port, and the Processing Export Zone (EPZ). A Free Trade Zone is a geographical area where trade flows are permitted and unrestricted. A Free Port is a Free Zone that is specifically linked to a seaport or airport (The Meneren Corporation 2005). Export Processing Zone is an area in which foreign firms produce goods for export and receive special incentives. A bonded is a restricted building or secured area where goods may be stored, manufactured, and transformed free of duty. The ownership rights of such areas or building may be possessed by the state or private enterprise. Once the goods enter the warehouse, the importer and the owner of the warehouse incur liability under a

Development of mathematical model to calculate fuel consumption of Essay

Development of mathematical model to calculate fuel consumption of passenger cars - Essay Example The NEDC was simulated under laboratory conditions, and driving parameters together with the fuel consumption were measured. A few driving phases were identified so that any drive cycle may be composed by these phases; and mathematical relationships have been fitted on measured data for each of the phases. The world population is 6.5 billion at the moment and rising. Climate change has caused widespread greenhouse effects like global warming, higher acid levels in oceans and reduced ice cover at the poles (Harrabin, 2013). The major causes of greenhouse effect are the by-products of industrialization, and especially carbon dioxide (Samimi & Zarinabadi, 2011). The level of carbon dioxide, the main constituent of emission by vehicles, is linked to consumption of fuel by the vehicle. Due to this there is need to regulate the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere and this is effective by fuel economy. The fuel economy (FE) of any vehicle can be calculated as a r atio of distance travelled per unit volume of fuel consumed or as the ratio of fuel consumption per distance travelled (GFEI, 2013). Fuel economy standards can be of various forms such as litres of fuel consumed per hundred kilometres of distance travelled or distance travelled per unit volume of vehicle fuel (An, et al., 2011, p. 4). The regulations pertaining to fuel economy followed by the four largest automobile markets, namely, the US, the EU, Japan and China differ significantly from each other leading to a lack of global standards on the issue.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critique and Development of Research Questions Essay

Critique and Development of Research Questions - Essay Example onsidered as a chief method of ensuring national security and the employment of Polygraph interviews as part of security clearance procedures in different branches of the American government has been widely criticized. Thus, in the background of ongoing debates on the utility of polygraph in national security, the scope and relevance of a profound research on the topic is categorical. In this research paper, the focal attempt has been to make a scrupulous investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’. The psycho-physiological detection of deception (PDD) including polygraph testing should be given more crucial attention in current researches. â€Å"In stark contrast to the scientific literature on forensic use of PDD, the use of FDD in employment and for screening, including screening for national security, is the subject of relatively little published research. Initial commentary on the use of polygraphs for national security screening focused on pro blems that all diagnostic tests experience when attempting to diagnose a rare condition.† (Granhag and Strà ¶mwall, 2004, p 118). In the background of serious debates on the question, it is of central implication to have a precise analysis of the matters and to come up with the most sagacious findings on the question. Therefore, the importance of this research paper is greater and the potential findings of this investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’ also justify the scope of the study. The utility of polygraph in national security has been a critical topic which has attained enormous focus and invited national interest in the modern American context. The paper attempts to undertake a profound investigation into the topic ‘The Utility of Polygraph in National Security’ and come up with the most sagacious findings on the questions which attract the current debates. Polygraph testing has been a serious technique of security assurance for a long time, in spite of the

The Establishment of Personal and Professional Relationships Essay

The Establishment of Personal and Professional Relationships - Essay Example Through Year Up, I believe that I would gain additional skills and experiences with which I might use to help others more effectively and more comprehensively in the future. In this way, I am almost a representative candidate, meaning that many others will benefit from my participation in your program. Regarding more specific goals, I am eager to combine my interest and aptitude in math with the technology courses and training that your organization offers. Although I am young, at twenty years of age, I have a vision of the future that suggests a more interdisciplinary approach to social and business problems. Technology can no more solve important problems in isolation than can philosophy or ethics or law; quite the contrary, as your program acknowledges with its broadly conceived program, modern problem-solving demands a fusing of disciplines, such as technology, leadership, and organizational management, in order to implement the most effective solutions. I want to be a part of th is interdisciplinary future, this notion that corporate social responsibility can empower individuals too often shut out of important positions, and I want to share my education with others to give them the same opportunities that I have been given in my life. In the final analysis, I believe that I am a model candidate because my goals are consistent with yours and because I firmly believe in empowering individuals through training, education, and the establishment of personal and professional relationships which can be used to help people and communities in need.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critique and Development of Research Questions Essay

Critique and Development of Research Questions - Essay Example onsidered as a chief method of ensuring national security and the employment of Polygraph interviews as part of security clearance procedures in different branches of the American government has been widely criticized. Thus, in the background of ongoing debates on the utility of polygraph in national security, the scope and relevance of a profound research on the topic is categorical. In this research paper, the focal attempt has been to make a scrupulous investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’. The psycho-physiological detection of deception (PDD) including polygraph testing should be given more crucial attention in current researches. â€Å"In stark contrast to the scientific literature on forensic use of PDD, the use of FDD in employment and for screening, including screening for national security, is the subject of relatively little published research. Initial commentary on the use of polygraphs for national security screening focused on pro blems that all diagnostic tests experience when attempting to diagnose a rare condition.† (Granhag and Strà ¶mwall, 2004, p 118). In the background of serious debates on the question, it is of central implication to have a precise analysis of the matters and to come up with the most sagacious findings on the question. Therefore, the importance of this research paper is greater and the potential findings of this investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’ also justify the scope of the study. The utility of polygraph in national security has been a critical topic which has attained enormous focus and invited national interest in the modern American context. The paper attempts to undertake a profound investigation into the topic ‘The Utility of Polygraph in National Security’ and come up with the most sagacious findings on the questions which attract the current debates. Polygraph testing has been a serious technique of security assurance for a long time, in spite of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pornography and human sexual variation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pornography and human sexual variation - Essay Example The philosophers behind the theories have also asked questions how, race social status, background and age affects the women in regards to their sexuality. Some of the books that try to explore this theory say that they can never be the female Viagra. This is because females have testosterone† (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). The philosophy has four key points that it focuses on in trying to explain the difference between men and women in the society. These are gender difference, gender inequality, gender oppression and structural oppression (Crossman, 2013). Discussion In most cases when we hear of human sexual variation we only think of the two gender male and female. There is more to this variation ranging from interest to emotions. In addition to these, two other aspects like biological and spiritual aspects. The biological is obviously associated with the human reproductive system. For the woman stimulation of the body does not fire up the desire to have sex. The woman responds mo re to physical touch thus making her psychologically aroused (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). The emotional and physical aspects are the main drive in determining how one sexual desire can be handled. It brings in other forces of attraction between male and female, which is considered normal. However when the interest focuses on same sex attraction hiccups begin. Experiments to explain social psychology started long time ago (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). Internet porn has been comically quoted as bringing people together. This is because it does not matter what kind of dirty sexual thought you have. On the web, there will be someone to share with you (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). Rule 34 exists secretly in Social media. Social... In most cases when we hear of human sexual variation we only think of the two gender male and female. There is more to this variation ranging from interest to emotions. In addition to these, two other aspects like biological and spiritual aspects. The biological is obviously associated with the human reproductive system. For the woman stimulation of the body does not fire up the desire to have sex. The woman responds more to physical touch thus making her psychologically aroused (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). The emotional and physical aspects are the main drive in determining how one sexual desire can be handled. It brings in other forces of attraction between male and female, which is considered normal. However when the interest focuses on same sex attraction hiccups begin. Experiments to explain social psychology started long time ago (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). Internet porn has been comically quoted as bringing people together. This is because it does not matter what kind of dirty sexual thought you have. On the web, there will be someone to share with you (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). Rule 34 exists secretly in Social media. Social behavior when it comes to pornography has taken the greatest responsibility. From religious upbringing, human exposure at whatever degree is strongly bared (Ogas and Gaddam, 2011). The society does not condemn the relation between married couples because it is normal. However how they relate sexually it should not be made public. Currently these precautions are not highly considered.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of Islamic Banking in the UK

Analysis of Islamic Banking in the UK This research plan will be a hub of attention to inspect the opportunities of progress and growth as well as the major challenges to Islamic banking in the UK. The UK is the hub of Islamic banking and contains importance in Islamic financial sector due to its fast growing Muslim population. Islamic banking is facing some great challenges in the UK because the financial system is more favourable to conventional banking. There are greater opportunities in the UK for development and growth of Islamic financial system because Muslim community is eager to take financial products and they are willing to spend their lives according to their religion. There is need to educate the Muslim community toward Islamic financial products; service providers need to improve the information system within the communities and Islamic banking institution is need to work hard for survival and compete with conventional banking system in the sector of regulations and supervisions. The keywords in this resear ch are Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Muslim population, Muslim scholars, Islamic banking growth in the UK and Islamic banking challenges. 2.0 RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE According to the figures of Office for National Statistics 2001, there was 1.6 million (2.8%) Muslims living in the United Kingdom but according to Home Secretary the Muslim population is increasing with high growth rate. In just seven years there is an increase of 40,000 Muslims in the UK and figures reached on 2 million which consist of 3.3% of total UK population. There was no any facility available to Muslim community before 2000 but the Muslim population want to spend their lives according to their faith. According to Islamic teaching interest is strongly prohibited in Islam and they want to take banking services such as saving accounts, current accounts, home finances, insurance and loan according to Islamic Shariah law. The United Kingdom is non-Muslim country and all its financial rules and regulation in favour of conventional banking. Because the Muslim community is active part of the UK economy, there was need to start a system which is acceptable to these people. Islamic b anking is started in the UK in 2003 with authorization of Financial services Authority. From 2003 to 2009 there is enough improvement and development in Islamic banking system. Currently two main high street conventional banks and one wholly Islamic bank are involved in Islamic banking services. But Islamic banking institution is still in the growth and infancy stage and Islamic banking is facing different challenges in this Western society such as socially, economically, fund management and regulations. With increasing popularity of Islamic banking in Western countries especially in the UK there are some difficulties in the way of Islamic Shariah law, Islamic banking system as well as the role of Financial Services Authority and UK Government are the critical issues. It is necessary to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in the UK and major challenges are faced by Islamic banking. 3.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this proposal is to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in UK and challenges which are currently faced by Islamic banking in the world and United Kingdom specially. The main objective of this research proposal is to investigate the basic understanding of Islamic banking in community and in  banking sector because without basic understanding it is difficult to develop this financial  system, whether there is any opportunity for growth and development in the UK and which kind of challenges is faced by Islamic banking. The objectives of the research proposal are to: Examine that how important to know the fundamentals for Islamic banking for Muslim community and service providers. Investigate that do Muslims really believe and know the difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking and what are the factors which make Islamic banking prior to conventional for Muslim community. How important in Sha riah law and its practise for Islamic finance and the role of Islamic scholars in promoting Islamic banking services and products. 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review illustrates the concept, scope and principles of Islamic banking around the globe in general and specifically in the United Kingdom. Islamic banking is a universal concept in the conventional banking, which is in practice with its many products in most of high street banks in the UK like HSBC, Lloyd TSB and as well Islamic Bank of Britain. 5.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY There are two main research paradigms positivistic and phenomenological. It is possible that different authors may use the alternative terms for these main paradigms in different time. The most commonly and alternatively used the terms are quantitative research method for positivistic and qualitative for phenomenological (Collis and Hussey, 2003). The originally the positivistic paradigm was developed in the natural sciences to study natural phenomena and it is confirmatory and deductive in nature. The phenomenological paradigm was developed in the social sciences to facilitate the researchers to research and analyze social and cultural phenomena and this approach is exploratory and inductive in nature (www.socialresearchmethods). The paradigm is very important because it gives you a right path to use the right methodology. According to Collis and Hussy (2003 p.55) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Regardless of which paradigm you are employing, it is important that you pay attention to all the featur es, and ensure that there are no contradictions or deficiencies in your methodologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The paradigm of this research is phenomenological because it tends to produce qualitative data not quantitative. The quantitative research is objective in nature that involves analysis of numerical data by applying statistical tests (Collis and Hussey, 2003). But the qualitative research is much more subjective in nature, concerned with generating theories and can be generalized in understanding of the phenomenon of challenges and opportunities of Islamic banking in UK. 6.0 RESEARCH PURPOSE Islamic banking is a hot topic in western countries especially in the UK. In the UK almost 2 million Muslims community is living and they want to spend their lives according to their religion ( This community is well contributing to the economy of the UK due to this the UK government gives more importance in the sector of Islamic banking. Nowadays the UK is the hub of Islamic banking and most of the high street banks providing the services of Islamic window. Due to this growing demand, Islamic banking faces some difficulties and challenges in western countries. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the growth and opportunities of Islamic banking in the UK.   7.0 RESEARCH METHOD For this research project, I chose to undertake qualitative research method. The qualitative method is a type of research that emphasizes the quality of meaning in consumer perceptions and behaviours; there are different criteria or techniques can be used in qualitative method such as in-depth interviews and focus groups. The most common qualitative research techniques include: In-depth interview Focus group Case study Direct observation   7.1 Reason for choosing In-depth interview: I chose in-depth interview technique for my qualitative research due to its unique advantages over other techniques such as focus group and questionnaires. In the way of in-depth interviews it is easy to speak to an individual and keep his attention on specific topic comparatively it is difficult in focus group interviews. There is a lot of time saving and reducing the hassles to take an appointment from individual. The main advantage of in-depth interview is that the interviews can be easily conducted with key community leaders through that researcher can get a fast overview of a community according to his requirements. 7.2 Sources of data: 7.2.1 Primary data: This research is based on a study of the UK because growing population of Muslims community is playing positive role for the UK economy. Actually most of the Muslims want to spend their lives according to their faith. In this case study it will be examined that what are the problems and opportunities in the UK for Islamic banking. I will use the qualitative method of research in this project. There are different techniques of qualitative method but according to the situation the in-depth interviews is more suitable form for this project. According to Collis and Hussey (2003) in phenomenological approach the interview questions are unstructured or semi- structured in pattern not closed questions like positivistic approach. The plan is that the researcher will prepare semi-structured questions that are helpful to take maximum information from interviewees because in closed questions it is possible that some important information will be ignored. In semi-structured interviews the resear cher has an opportunity to probe various areas and to raise specific queries during the semi-structured interviews. 7.3 Data collection methods: For the collection of primary data I shall use technique of in-depth interview. The plan is to hold the eight in-depth interviews from different sectors of the society. The researcher will hold four interviews from the banks authorities such as HSBC, Lloyd TSB and Islamic Bank of Britain that will give the clear facts and figures about the growth, opportunities and problems related to Islamic banking with reference to shariah compliance and Governmental authorities. Two with such Muslims who already customer of the Islamic banking which will facilitate the research through providing the information why they did take up Islamic banking, advantages and disadvantages of this system and as well about the scope of Islamic banking in UK. Two with such Muslims that are not using Islamic banking product which will helpful to investigate why they have not taken the Islamic banking product and which factors are stopping them from these services that are according to their faith. My plan is to speak to non-Muslims that are using the Islamic banking products that will provide the best information for the growth and strong fundamentals of Islamic banking. The planned is to conduct these interviews through sending letters to banking authorities and emails to customer services department of the perspective banks to arrange an appointment. To take interviews from customers and non-customers of the Islamic banking the interviewer will use the posters advertisement in the mosques and libraries in that area where the Muslims are living in majority. The interviews will be recorded using the voice recorder with the permission of the interviewees. If the voice recorder is not possible then the interviewer will take notes which will be summarized with full detail and also these notes will be available on demand for further investigation. 8.0 Research limitations: This research was proposed to be conducted in a very short span of 8 weeks, which forced the researchers to curtail the research from expanding in to a wider spectrum. According to the proposed planned of seven interviews it is possible that there should be some hurdle to get all information from customers of Islamic banking. In the course of research if the researcher will feel to get more widely information about the growth of Islamic banking then mini open ended questionnaires will be conducted. As the research was a part of student project there where huge limitations on financial resources. Lack of financial backup congests the team, which in turn curbed the research team from dilating the research. Conclusion: The purpose of research is to find out opportunities of growth and development as well the main challenges to Islamic banking in the United Kingdom. The primary data which was collected through in-depth interviews is to match with the different opinions of the community members about the scope and future of Islamic banking in the UK. The outcomes and results of these in-depth interviews are matched with aims and objectives of the research.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Christian Explanation of Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot :: Waiting for Godot Essays

The Christian Explanation of Waiting for Godot    "The human predicament described in Beckett's first play is that of man living on the Saturday after the Friday of the crucifixion, and not really knowing if all hope is dead or if the next day will bring the life which has been promised."  Ã‚   --William R. Mueller  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the five decades since Waiting for Godot's publication, many of the countless attempts to explain the play have relied on some variation of this religious motif proposed by William Mueller. Though Beckett's open text invites the reader to hunt for an interpretation, statements as decisive as this one overstep the search and leave little room for any other possibility. His idea has a compelling textual basis, but its finality violates the spirit of the play. Kenneth Tynan suggests that "Beckett's Waiting for Godot is a dramatic vacuum...It has no plot, no climax, no denouement; no beginning, no middle, and no end." Such an idea forces any analyst of this enigmatic masterpiece to tread lightly and makes definite criticism nearly impossible. Before examining an explanation as conclusive as Mueller's we must acknowledge that we cannot hope to determine "the meaning" of this play. Neither the text nor its author makes a claim to any intrinsic meaning, yet a new meaning is born each tim e a reader or viewer partakes of the play.   Ã‚  Ã‚   With such cautions in mind, we can now approach Mueller's religious hypothesis with a safe detachment. The first utterance of Godot phonetically brings God to mind, and evidence throughout the play assures the reader that this path is a valid one to follow. On the most mundane level, Vladimir supports Mueller's premise with his guess at the timeframe of the play: "He said it was Saturday. I think"(10). We discover, however, that even this statement hides beneath the uncertainty as Estragon challenges, "But what Saturday? And is it Saturday? Is it not rather Sunday? Or Monday? Or Friday?" (11). His questioning reasserts that this work defies explanation and reminds us that we are following only one possible solution to an unsolvable problem.      Ã‚  Ã‚   If we read this drama with the intention of fitting Mueller's theory to the play (or perhaps the play to his theory), a vast number of previously unnoticed interpretive opportunities arise. Though the nondescript tree can be universally symbolic, when viewed from a religious standpoint it conjures an image of Christ's cross.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nature vs Nurture Essay -- Biology Science Essays

Nature vs Nurture The issues pitting nature against nurture are exceptionally significant for the gamut of discoveries that attribute an increasing proportion of traits and behaviours to one's genetic makeup. The resulting variety of physical shortcomings and limitations in each person has, for centuries, been countered by endeavours to improve or interfere where necessary, and every individual is consequently the product of a delicate middle path of balance between the two. The importance of nurturing is nearly boundless, and there is no better evidence than the oft-cited case of identical twins who, despite identical nuclear genomes and mitochondrial DNA, will duly differ in physique and behaviour if raised (i.e., nurtured) in dissimilar environments. On the other hand, the role of nurturing in the development of abilities and aptitudes as basic as walking and reading is no less estimable. Hence nature, as represented by the genome, "codes for potential", as concluded by the National Centre for Genome Resources (NCGR) in its on-line publication Genetic Odyssey. While ... Nature vs Nurture Essay -- Biology Science Essays Nature vs Nurture The issues pitting nature against nurture are exceptionally significant for the gamut of discoveries that attribute an increasing proportion of traits and behaviours to one's genetic makeup. The resulting variety of physical shortcomings and limitations in each person has, for centuries, been countered by endeavours to improve or interfere where necessary, and every individual is consequently the product of a delicate middle path of balance between the two. The importance of nurturing is nearly boundless, and there is no better evidence than the oft-cited case of identical twins who, despite identical nuclear genomes and mitochondrial DNA, will duly differ in physique and behaviour if raised (i.e., nurtured) in dissimilar environments. On the other hand, the role of nurturing in the development of abilities and aptitudes as basic as walking and reading is no less estimable. Hence nature, as represented by the genome, "codes for potential", as concluded by the National Centre for Genome Resources (NCGR) in its on-line publication Genetic Odyssey. While ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effects of a Strong or Weak Philippine Peso Currency Essay

Two conflicting stories came out of a national paper this week. One announced that exporters are badly hurt by the appreciating peso while the other states that the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) claims that the surging currency is beneficial to the Philippine economy. Those stories seem to tell the Filipinos that we cannot have our cake and eat it too. Whenever there is a good effect, there is a corresponding draw back. Let us take the first statement. There are two types of exporters. One is who imports raw materials, processes it and exports the finished product. The other is one who buys or produces the raw material locally, processes it and exports the result. In the first case, we export only labor. In the second, we export labor and raw material converted by labor into finished product. When the peso is weak, more pesos are spent to buy raw materials. The product is sold to earn a strong dollar. Then labor is paid in weak peso. When the peso is strong, there will be less pesos spent acquiring raw material. Then the finished product is sold earning weak dollars. There will be more dollars needed to pay labor in strong pesos. What exporters are afraid of is our finished product will be less competitive in the world market if a strong peso raises production costs. Labor costs will rise because there will be more dollars to be converted to pesos to be spent for labor. What will be affected are the export processing zones. Finished products will be less competitive in the world market. Profits will dive and factories may close. On the other hand, the quality of the peso in the world market is raised. We will need less pesos to service our external debt in dollars. There will be more investors coming because they can earn more than when the peso is weak. Philippine economy will be stronger. There will be more investors coming because the strong peso earned will compensate their efforts. The BSP argues that the peso surge is but temporary. Market forces will eventually force the peso to seek its level. Overseas workers are the ones responsible for the strong peso. When remittances slow down the peso will depreciate. There is a tendency for the overseas workers to live permanently in the place where they work if the government of the country will allow. The sad part of the business is that even if the peso appreciates, it is never felt locally. Local prices will remain the same. Take for example oil products. If the world market for liquid petroleum gas rises, our local prices rise along with it. If it falls the peso price for Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) will remain the same. Even if the peso appreciates, there is still no roll back in LPG prices. There must be something wrong with our economics. Perhaps we would be much thankful that the peso appreciates. We are an importing country. Since birth we have been conditioned to believe that anything imported is excellent. Imported wines, whiskeys, cigarettes, chocolates, perfumes and cars are better appreciated than local products. With the appreciating pesos, plus the General Agreement on Trade and Tariff all imported luxuries will now be within the reach of the locals. The incoming dollars will go out again. Our overseas workers will have to stay longer if not forever just to keep our economy afloat. While economy is on the rise, we do not institute measures to keep it up. Our economic planners must pull their acts together. We still are not aware how the strong peso affects the small and medium enterprises. If there is any benefit from the surging currency, the influence must be felt locally in any way otherwise the natives will never be able to benefit from the situation. Is the surging peso beneficial or detrimental?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Literature Review on Marketing Essay

This part of the thesis deals with the research and critical comments on various literatures related with the marketing activities that can be implemented by a firm to improve their business performance. Marketing Strategy: According to Ferrell and Hartline (2010) Marketing Strategy is both art and science where the firm finds or plans ways to deliver their value by fulfilling the needs & wants of their potential customers. This helps in determining the marketing mix and analyzing the competitive advantage of the firm by implementing and presenting new ideas so as to satisfy their customers. Employing strategies helps in increasing the level of sales by branding, advertising & promotion. So as per the authors (Ferrell& Hartline, 2010) the points that are to be taken under consideration by a firm to properly establish a marketing strategy are discussed below: Firstly, a proper marketing plan is to be established as it helps in providing the necessary detailed outline to carry out the marketing program for a firm. As per the authors ,the marketing plan is not at all similar to a business plan; but a business plan contains a marketing plan along with financial, capital and human resource. Therefore, the core means to accomplish the desired goals & objectives of an organisation’s marketing strategy is through its well defined marketing plan. Secondly, a firm must aim in seeking marketing opportunities available by collecting and analyzing the information. The technique used for data collection& analysis is through situation analysis; which is a process of data collection that describes the current& future issues & trends that can have an effect on the internal, customer, external environments respectively (Ferrell& Hartline, 2010). This helps in making the strategy by identifying the environment of the business is dealing in and analyze whether the plan will be beneficiary or not before implementation. Then, a Marketing expansion is to be made by identifying in the best interest of the their customers using marketing tools like segmentation & targeting and this can be calculated by identifying the customers buying process because it will help the managers in rea lizing who are their customers & what exactly do the customers want (Ferrell& Hartline, 2010). Finally, the firm has to implement the plan but must execute certain  activities to increase employee motivation and commitment in achieving the desired goals and objectives effectively by controlling & evaluating the marketing strategy as per the plan proposed. Therefore, implementation of marketing strategy is incomplete without a control mechanism (Ferrell& Hartline, 2010). The key in effective strategic controlling is by maintain an appropriate communication system and the managers must make business decisions as per the interest of the organisation and its customers. Thus, marketing strategy is a never ending process making it important for the managers to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the plan that has being implemented for future benefits as it can allow the firm to concentrate on its limited available resources & seek their opportunities to increase sales and achieve a competitive edge. By this we can say that strategy plays a key role for a company to be successful in a way that can obtain benefit against its competitors. Analysis of the environment: According to Richard Lynch (2006), analysis of the business environment for an organisation is certainly an important part for this report, as in a much broader sense it helps to describe everything and everyone outside the firm. This includes customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, government and social Institutions. The following will briefly explain about few marketing analysis that are to be considered for gaining a competitive advantage. The Strategic Analysis is a part of the environmental analysis that contributes in strategically analyzing of the environment by firstly, measuring the Market Size which will enable a firm in assisting and developing a strategy task, then the Market Growth for comprehending how much the market has grown over the years as the growth mainly relates to the organisation’s objectives & lastly, the Market Share to realize how much portion does the firm consume & take benefit within the market in comparison with its major competitors (L ynch, 2006). But for this to be applied the market must first be defined properly meaning the company must realise exactly in which particular market or markets it is entering. The PESTEL Analysis basically defines the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental & Legal factors that can affect the firm as it offers a  valuable starting point of the overall environment surrounding an organisation (Lynch, 2006). Though the PESTEL analysis is depend on past events and experience, but the analysis can be used as a forecast of the future by the managers. Although, this analysis is effective but must be updated on a regular basis as over time the lifestyles, regulations, culture and technology keeps on changing. The Degree of turbulence at the general level of environmental analysis considers the basic conditions surrounding the organisation (Lynch, 2006). Special attention needs to be directed to the nature and strength of the forces driving the change in the dynamics of the environment and the environmental forces that immediate the organisation can be measured according to firstly the Changeability which is the degree of the environment that is likely to change & the Predictability which is the degree of those changes that can be predicted. Lastly, the managers of an organisation must determine the Key Factors of success that helps the organisation in achieving their main goals & objectives as the resources, skills and attributes of an organisation that are vital to bring success in the market place (Lynch, 2006). Usually calculating & measuring the environmental analysis mentioned by the author Lynch; takes a lot of time & money of the company in determining the industry market by statistical tools which is not accurate making it risky & also based on the external factors that keeps on changing making it difficult for every firm to apply the analysis up to its full potential. But, still using Environmental Analysis helps the managers in making effective business & marketing decisions by determining the market industry in which the organisation deals in & identifying the essentials parts that are worth exploring to recognize the success that the firm has by gaining potential for customer satisfaction & differentiating itself from its competitors. The Analysis of the Industry’s Competitive Strategy: Competitiveness of a firm is its capability to achieve its targets. These targets are likely to be conveyed in a range of position depending on the context (Barney 2002). From abusiness perspective, a competitive firm requires to survive in the market and achieve the desired market share and  profitability. The success of a competitive firm can be calculated by obtaining their current position in the defined market. According to Michael E. Porter’s (1985), the best model in realizing a firm’s current situation is by Porter’s five forces model. This identifies the competitive strategy that an operating business has & aims at defeating its rival companies. According to Porter (1985), the guidelines of rivalry are characterized into â€Å"five competitive forces†. These competitive forces are entry to the new competitors, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and rivalry among the existing competitors. Porter (198 5) further explains that the industry arrangement is reasonably stable, but can altered over time as the industry progresses, and the strong points of these competitive forces varies from one industry to another. Based on this model there’s ahelp in analyzing the bargaining power of buyer’s which willeffect the price that a firm can charge.The power of suppliers defines the costs of raw materials; the intensity of rivalry influences prices of competing. The threat of entry places a boundary on prices, and outlines the investment vital to put offnew competitors; Threats from substitutes usually pose a threat whenever there is a technological or low-cost breakthrough. Chaffey (2002) supports Porter’s model forces as it still provides a useable framework for studyingthe threats arising. The value of Porter’s model enables managers to think about the current industry that is in a structured and easy-to-understand system for further analysis. But, the above model’s framework is fundamentally fixed, while the competitive environment in general is constantly changing and it does not apply to a nonprofit type of organisation (Lynch, 2006). It also assumes that the buyers have no major significance than the aspect of the micro-environment; But the customer are always considered to be more important than other aspects of competitive strategy development process. Thus in order to solve these issues the SWOT analysis can be implemented (Lynch, 2006). As the SWOT analysis determines the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a firm with in the environment it operates. Even though the model has been questioned with few critical remarks but for the managers of any major firm this model still demonstrates to be a useful for a competitive strategic analysis within the industry. So, there is no doubt that this is the best model that aims at defeating the major competitors in the market. Customer Relationship Analysis: According to Nigel Hill, Greg Roche & Rachel Allen (2007), Customer Satisfaction is all about how a firm succeeds in maintaining their customers as top of their agenda. This further identifies the 3r’s of customer loyalty which are Retention, Related Sales & Referrals. The 3r’s are basically the customer’s behavior that must staying longer, chose to use more of the services/products by a firm. This can be further useful by helping in noticing the customers Attitudes & Behavior towards the firm and prove to be effective for the firm’s achievement of their goals in satisfying their customers. Thus, to improve customer satisfaction organisation’s should focus on its resources on areas where they are least meeting the essential of their customer requirements. But as per the authors (Hill, Roche& Allen, 2007) ‘The profitability of customers increases the longer you keep them’ meaning is that the value of a customer typically increases over time by identifying a customer lifetime value by the following points. An Acquisition is a process of acquiring customers occurs wholly in the first year with a functioning business organisation i.e. before & just after becoming a customer. The Base Profit is the difference between sales revenue earned by a particular good or service and the cost to produce or provide that good or service. The Revenue growth will increase when the customers are satisfied as a satisfied customer have a tendency to buy or use more of the firm’s products or services. Customer satisfaction also leads to Cost Savings as long term customers will cost lesser in providing services as they became familiar with the organisation’s techniques & are more likely to get what they expect. In Referrals a highly satisfied customers will recommend and even applaud the product or service to their family & friends which thus brings more customer by eliminating the cost of acquisition of a customer. The long term customers who are satisfied with what the organisation has to offer will be also ready to pay a Price Premium meaning a higher price since they trust the product or service which results in adding value of the firm. According to Lynch (2006) The Internal Analysis is very crucial as it adds further value for an organisation which in turn is beneficiary for them if they take time in analyzing their business performance through which they can improve the overall customer satisfactory level. Hencethe firm must make in-depth analysis of their departments to determine which areas are to be immediately improved. Overall, it is very important & a responsibility of an organisation to establish a well refined relationship with their customer in such a way that satisfies them and results in earning more profits & establishing a competitive edge on a long term basis. The Market Segmentation: According to Sally Dibb & Lyndon Simki (1996), the market segmentation aims to identify groups of customers with similar needs and then the firm tries to select their segments by targeting thus determining how to position their products/services that helps to appeal in the targeted market of a region. This over all helps the firm in realizing which type of consumers are there and whether they prefer or like the services/products that the firm has to offer and this can be measured by making a research and getting at most possible feedback from the existing customers. The Segmentation process of a market segmentation comprises of three diverse portions namely Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning. It is very important to fully understand how different can the markets be segmented before making a final decision. It is clear that there are three points in the process at which assistance is defiantly necessary. As there is a need to recognize the categories of factors that will contribute to a positive result. During the analysis, it is important to create the qualities that emerging segments display. After the segmentation output has been confirmed, direction is needed for the criteria to review the desirability of the different segments. (Dibb & Simki, 1996) The most commonly used way is arranged in few steps, that tells that segments should exhibit measurability, so that segment size and  prospective can be measured; substantiality, so that the segments are sizeable to be profitable; accessibility, to reach the customers in the segments; actionability, letting segments to assist successfully with marketing programmes and lastly; stability, so that resources can be safely financed (Kotler, 1994). This is clearly aimed at managers during the segmentation process, as it shows features that are in contradiction to emerging segments that can be matched. The problem concerning with market segmentation compared to the authors comments (Dibb & Simki, 1996) is the fact that marketers sometimes fail to produce a usable segmentation answer as it is very difficult for them to analysis information that is constantly changing making the data material collected not precise. On top of that, this analysis is mainly based on statistical information which is at certain point difficult to calculate accurate information as statistical data are also based on the closest assumption value. The Marketing Mix also plays an important role as it identifies the product/service of an organisation, then determine at what price to sell the goods and services, later defines the place which is suitable for production and announce effective promotion methods to bring more customers (Hill, Roche& Allen, 2007). In order to obtain market segmentation success the managers should become critical about the quality of information they are receiving as it plays a vital role for implementing a marketing strategy by questioning the source of data and considering when it was collected. The method of data collection should be correct, durable and must be up-to-date as soon as possible. Marketing ethics: As per Bodo B. Schlegelmilch (1998), marketing ethics is an ethical dilemma that deals with relating the marketing function. The ethical issues usually arise in marketing situations for a firm. This part thus relates to how a firm should make ethical marketing decisions to obtain the satisfaction of the society & must focus on the ethical issues that connect with analyzing the market opportunities that are available. Marketing has been criticized for hurting the interest of customers, society and the environment in the presentation of the marketing mix by stimulating societal moral decay, endorsing materialism and affecting the environment. â€Å"Marketing ethics is thus alarmed with the moral principles and values which guide the marketing  decisions and activities in an ethical manner† (Jobber, 2010). The assistance of both the primary stakeholders (Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Shareholder & other investors) & secondary stakeholders (Media, Special-Interest Groups & Go vernment Institutions) is important to support the ethical activities of marketing practices (Schlegelmilch, 1998). But the most important factor for the reason that ethics are to be considered by the marketing managers are so to satisfy their organisation customers and employees (Schlegelmilch, 1998) as the customers are the people who buys the goods & service which runs the business & employees are those people that works for the company and are determined by their attitudes towards the jobs to keep the business running as well. While all other factors are directly or indirectly related with these two factors making it utmost important to satisfy them so as to achieve the desired goals & objectives. The Marketing activities has an impact on the society and the environment as a whole. Therefore the managers of the organisation should behave responsibly within the best interest of those who will be affected. In conclusion, marketing ethics is an important factor to be considered, despite the challenges and uncertainty a company faces with its applications. Conclusion This chapter presents the theoretical background of the major areas for marketing techniques of the research. The aimis to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings on marketing techniques for theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topicas the reviews are secondary sources and do not require any new or original experimental work.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Research preparation Essay

Child abuse is maltreatment of a child either psychologically, physically or sexually. There are different child abuse definitions from different sources (Main, & Hesse, 1990). According to the (CDC) the center for Disease and Control Center, child abuse is defined as a series of mistreatment to the child that may cause harm that are committed by either the parents, caregivers or any other person (Jacobvitz, 1999). Most of the child abuse issues happens at the child’s home and are mostly committed by the child’s close relatives while others happen in organizations, schools and in the community at large (Hansen, 1993). In most cases there are four major categories of child abuse namely; physical, psychological or emotional, sexual and neglect abuse (Braunwald, 1995& George, 1999). There are different jurisdictions that have been developed and have their own distinct definitions of child abuse and what constitutes the abuse. This is all done with the sole purpose of removing the child from the hands of parents and the abuser and also to protect the child from the abuse (Solomon 1999). According to the journal mental health, child abuse is regarded as any failure to act that may result to child’s death, harm physical or psychological harm by the parents and the care givers (Hoyano, 2007& Arnaldo, 2001). The relevance given as why silence is not preferred as far as the child abuse is concerned. The author describes the relevancy and the importance of breaking the silence so as the abused children would have their rights as other children. The child’s right should be recognized and realized as a human right. (Braunwald, 1995). The articulated importance of having an order that will tackle the issue that regards the child abuse. He on the other hand emphasizes on the reasons as to why there should be a notable difference between the exercising of the child’s rights and maltreatment (George, 1999). This great disorganization of the child’s right as there are many organizations that are out to fight for the rights of the children but fails to meet their goals for they divert their missions from fighting for the child to fighting for their position in the issue as far as their recognition are concerned (Hansen, 1993). According to the author there has been lots of suffering faced by children from different backgrounds and there had never had a lasting solution that would address the issue so as the there may be set some governing policies that would help in curbing the problem (Hoyano & Keenan, 2007) The author’s article also emphasizes much on the issue of having a policy that will fight for rights of the child. There have never been strong policies that can manage the issues that are brought about by the abuse as well as what would be done to the offenders (Jacobvitz, 1999). There are issues that are raised by the society in regard to the gender of the child that brings about the abuse of the child’s right; some of these issues are like the genital mutilation of the girl child. These addressed issues by the author so as there may be a uniform fight for the child’s right (Main & Hesee, 1990). Reference Arnaldo, C. (Ed. ). (2001). Internet of the Child Abuse: Ending the Silence. New York: Berghahn. George, Davie. (1999). Attachment Disorganization. New York: Guilford Press Hansen, D. (1993). Psychological Bulletin. New York: Guilford Press Hoyano, L. & Keenan C. (2007). Child Abuse Policy and Law across Boundaries. New York: Oxford University Press. Main, M. & Hesse, E. (1990). Parents’ Unresolved Traumatic Experiences are Related to Infant Disorganized Attachment Status. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Jacobvitz, D. (1999). â€Å"Attachment Disorganization: Unresolved Loss, Relational Violence and Lapses in Behavioral and Attentional Strategies. New York: Guilford Press. Solomon, J. (Eds. ). (1999). Attachment Disorganization. New York: Guilford Press. Hoyano, L. & Keenan, C. (2007). Child Abuse: Law and Policy across Boundaries. New York: Oxford University Press. Braunwald, T. (1995). â€Å"Finding Order in Disorganization: Lessons from Research on Maltreated Infants’ Attachments to their Caregivers. † New York: Cambridge University Press.

Bus 22 db thanksgiving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bus 22 db thanksgiving - Essay Example This mode of communication is not appropriate since some members fail to get the message, or they are reached by distorted information. The process of information used in the club can be improved by embracing the new information technology. For instance, all the members of the club are members in various social sites such as Facebook and twitter. The club management should create a Facebook page so that communication of important issues can be made easier. In addition, almost every person can easily access the internet and a computer, in this regard, video conferencing can be used for communication, especially when members are on personal vacation. In essence, appropriate application of information technology is the most efficient means of improving communication in an organization (Ling & Campbell, 2011). In summary, leaders of various organizations should apply communication processes that fit all members of the organization for effective

Monday, October 7, 2019

Seven Simple Ways to Save Money Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Seven Simple Ways to Save Money - Assignment Example It will enhance your knowledge of the world, at the same time, saving you a lot of money. When you cook at home, you have to do the shopping for vegetables and other things. Here you can save money by making a shopping list and taking it with you when you go shopping. Making a shopping list is the second simple way of saving money. Most of us buy unnecessary things on an impulse when we are shopping in the shopping mall. If you have a shopping list, and stick to it, you will avoid impulse buying, and save a lot of money, as well as save another trip to the shops to buy what you forgot. This way, you will be saving on your fuel consumption too. There is another way to save money while shopping- getting a good bargain. So, the third simple way to save money is to survey the market when you buy something, especially when it is something expensive. Some stores will have bargain offers, which offer you stuff at greatly reduced prices. Buying in bulk also helps to save money. You should plan what you want to buy and look out for the best possible bargains. Buying just after Christmas will save you money on many things from clothes to books. Another simple way to save money is to walk or use the bicycle to work. This way, you would be saving on fuel, and at the same time reducing your carbon foot print.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Barclays bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Barclays bank - Essay Example Financial ratios are important in that they aid in determining the financial performance of the company, they also help to identify the strength and the weaknesses of the company, financial ratios include debt ratio, sales turnover ratio, return on assets, and return on equity gearing ratio, current ratio and price earning ratio. All these ratios are important but in order to identify the strength and the weaknesses of the company we need to identify the profitability, efficiency and the leverage of the company. The gearing ratio is a financial indicator of the relationship between long term liabilities and capital employed, it is an important indicator to investors, this is because shares in a financial year may earn dividends while in some years dividends may not be paid, it is also important to investors in that long term liabilities are in form of loans and that they need to be paid back with interest and if the ratio is not appropriate investors end up loosing finally share holders have voting rights while long term liabilities do not have the voting rights that are used in making decisions of the company. Therefore the gearing ratio shows the relationship between long term liabilities and it is calculated by dividing long term liabilities by the shareholders equity. ... 1685 27106 Because we derive the gearing ratio by dividing the long term liabilities by the total share holder equity we substitute our values as follows: Gearing ratio = 183,011/27106 = 6.75 Therefore our gearing ratio is 6.75, this means that the company finances more using long term debts than equity through sale of share, this means that the company has to pay interest earned by these liabilities while it would have been possible to raise capital through equity, therefore there is a problem of having to pay high interest levels for the debts and therefore the company needs to minimize the costs of debts by raising funds through the sale of shares. Dividend history: The following table summarizes dividends paid over the past 3 years, form the table it is evident that dividends paid have increased over the years: year dividends paid (million pounds) 2005 1894 2006 2215 2007 2559 The following chart shows the dividends paid by the company in the past 3 years: From the above chart it is evident that the companies dividends have increased, this is an indication that in 2008 the dividends are likely to increase, this is an indication that the bank has increased its profit levels and therefore it is likely that the dividends will increase in the future, therefore investing in this company is much more profitable due to the high anticipated divided levels in the future. Cash flow statement: We analyze the company's performance using the 2007 cash flow statement, according to this statement we will be in a position to analyze the financial position of the bank and also indentify the source of the high profits gained by the bank. Assets purchases: During the year 2007 there were major changes in the level of assets held by the company, the company