Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Case Study Outline Method

Case Study Outline Method Case Study Outline Method Writers around the world have extensively used the signpost outline to logically structure their books, especially novels and stories. The signpost outline helps writers treat each scene as a separate entity, which in turn increases their effectiveness in describing and organizing the story besides keeping eye on the big picture. A typical signpost outline used by novelists around the world has the following format: scene number and short description; setting; characters; plot. The good news is that as a student, you can adapt and use the signpost outline to turn your case study into a great paper. How? Well, signposting actually divides a case study into logical and easily manageable sections with separate headings and subheadings. Moreover, it calls for the placement of relevant phrases and words throughout the write-up, so the reader can easily read and understand the content and context of your case study. The signpost outline for a case study starts with an introduction, which is then followed by the main arguments highlighted by paragraphs, headings and subheadings. At the end of the case study comes the conclusion, but the arguments between the introduction and conclusion have to be reader friendly and engaging enough to rationally guide the reader throughout the study. To achieve this, you need to use connecting words and phrases to create linkage between the viewpoints, sentences and sections of your case study. One of the advantages of using this outline is that it will give you enough room to see the big picture and evaluate your ideas for their richness, convincing power and sustainability. It is important for the signpost outline, however, that you prepare the ground for the fundamentals ahead of time. Do not go into the specifics at this point, but simply see where you want to take the study, what you want to achieve with it and how you will organize it. Details will be added during the drafting phase. Introduction Introduce the case study by throwing light on what the study is about. Make sure to open it with an interesting perspective. If there are a range of problems you’d like to address, use words like firstly, secondly etc. to divide the problems into logical parts and tell the reader what you are going to address in the paragraphs to follow. Case Study Body: Paragraphs and Sections Make sure that the paragraphs and sections are logical extensions of what you said in the introduction. You can divide each problem/major topic into dedicated sections with separate headings, or you can make separate, dedicated paragraphs. Some of the words you can use to create linkages between sentence, paragraphs, and sections, include the following: if you want to add extra ideas, use words like furthermore, additionally, moreover etc.; if you want to make comparisons, use words like comparatively, relatively, otherwise etc.; if you want to make something evident, use words like obviously, because and certainly etc.; if you want to emphasize something, use words like absolutely, apparently, unavoidably, irrefutably. While summing up the sections and paragraphs, make sure to highlight the evidences. For example, you can use sentences like: it is proved that; hence it is clear that; what makes this approach effective is the fact that. Conclusion The conclusion of your case study will summarize all the important point of the study. To make the conclusion even more compelling, make sure to include your recommended solutions for the problems. For example you can say things like: as it is evident from the study that; this study makes it clear that the most important factors are; in order to resolve problem A, it is recommended that; this study concludes that; on the basis of the evidences narrated in this study, it is suggested that; it has been established that. The signpost outline has the potential to make your case study shine and turn it into an A grade paper. The outline is flexible, meaning that you can adapt it according to your specific requirements and situation. Good luck with it! Also, you can enjoy professionalism of our custom case study writing service.

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